Monday, June 27, 2011

The days of the week.

Okay, so I was reading this book called Llewellyn's 2010 Witches' Companion which is some kind of yearly Almanac thing that the publishing company Llewellyn does. No joke, you need to check Llewellyn out my fellow Pagans. They publish tons and tons of Pagan stuff, and most of my books come from them. This particular copy was given to me by my best friend's mom, Cathy. She's your typical 40-year-old unmarried organic-food-eating hippie with a daughter. I love her lots. Growing up, I spent tons of time with her daughter Autumn and she'd take us all over the place- I think I was so open to Paganism because of her. She's given me candles and spellbooks and the such, and does Reiki in her spare time.
Either way, I was reading and came across an article called "Color Magick" by Raven Digitalis. In it, he describes the importance of color in magick. Totally obvious, right? Well he talks about the days of the week and their colors, and so I'd figured I'd better share this with you guys.

  • Sunday (the Sun): Yellow

  • Monday (the Moon): White or Violet

  • Tuesday (Mars): Red

  • Wednesday (Mercury): Orange

  • Thursday (Jupiter): Blue or Indigo

  • Friday (Venus): Green

  • Saturday (Saturn): Black

Yeah, most of this stuff is pretty self-explanitory, but you know what? It's legit and useful. Digitalis suggests:

  • Wear clothing throughout the day that is of the color at hand

  • Research the astrological significance of the planet associated with the color

  • Burn appropriately colored candles throughout the day

  • Eat fruit and foods that are of the day's color

  • Stare at an appropriately colored piece of paper or fabric for a length of time, allowing your brain to fully absorb the color

  • Keep a journal of your findings (like the color's impact on your energy for the day and visions you receive in meditations) or jot notes in your Book of Shadows

Bada-bing, bada-boom. Now hopefully Raven Digitalis won't sue me for copyright infringement.

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