Thursday, June 30, 2011

Ether Covening

Okay, so now I'm reading Llewellyn's 2010 Magical Almanac, and I came across an article called Ether Covening by Elizabeth Hazel. According to Hazel,

"Ether-sometimes called the fifth element-flows through the fabric of reality and is the natural conduit for magical energy. A ritual or spell done by a group of practitioners simultaneously at remote locations is called ether covening."

Basically, ether covening is useful when you want to do a group ritual/spell and your coven members or fellow solitary practitioners can't meet. This works when you don't have pagans living close by, but are in contact with pagans out of state or out of the country. Like, I live in Maryland while my friend lives in New Jersey. We can't drive up and meet each other whenever we feel like doing a ritual or spell. So, it would be useful to us to do the ether covening.
For this to work, all participants need to pick a date and time for the spell or ritual. If you're doing something that requires certain materials, like a white candle, then you need to make sure every participant has the materials. Likewise if you're doing something where you all have to chant or say certain things, everyone needs a copy of the script.
Time is really important. If the participants are in a different time zone, you need to check up and make sure all the times are lined up correctly. is super useful in this situation. If you want to start a ritual at 5 pm New York time, then your coven member in China needs to start at 5am their time, while your other member in Los Angeles needs to start at 2pm. The point of ether covening is having a ritual or spell done at the same time, but in different locations. Hazel calls it the Etheric Net, and compares it with the Internet. So, just like how it's 3am your time and you just met someone on Omegle and it's 3pm their time, but you guys are both talking to each other at the same time. Get the picture?
Another thing to remember is if all people participating in a spell want the effect of the spell. Hazel uses this example: a person with a good job shouldn't participate in a spell for attracting new employment. So, make sure everyone's participating for the right reasons. It's like clearing the tabs up on your internet browser so it can run faster or more effectively toward your goal.
Those participating should spend a few moments concentrating on the other participants, by saying their names or imagining them. It will help make the etheric net stronger.
I personally think this is a great thing to know about and use to your benefit. It can help you stay a solitary practitioner and use the benefits of a coven. If that is your wish, of course.

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